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Debragga Meats

What is hand select angus beef?

Our most popular beef is the Angus that we hand select and age to perfection.

Marc Sarrazin, President and Partner of DeBragga
Angus Cattle grazing in their fields


Hand select - Certified Angus BeefThe Hand Select Angus Beef program draws upon a lengthy and historic relationship that we have with American Angus ranchers and the Certified Angus Beef program. Less than 8 % of all of the beef produced in the United States qualifies for the prestigious “Certified Angus Beef”(CAB) label. And in 1982, DeBragga became the first food service licensee for the “CAB” brand. The Certified Angus Beef program is a government graded program selecting only those cattle that are over 50% Angus genetics and that grade in the top third of Choice or Prime. Only those few make the cut!

Since the inception of the program in 1982, there has been significant growth in the number of Angus producers and processors. At DeBragga, we have narrowed down who we will work with to ensure you receive the finest Certified Angus Beef in the country.

This is our Hand Select program. Knowing the processors as we do, we work hard to guarantee the very top of the line arrives at our doors so we can send it to yours. At DeBragga, Certified Angus beef is then aged to perfection to ensure maximum flavor and tenderness. DeBragga offers both Dry Aged and Wet Aged Certified Hand Select Angus Beef. The following cuts are currently available:

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